Safety Shredders

Learn with the pros:
Freeride and Safety Events for Young Riders

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On the road with mountain guides, coaches and athletes

The Safety Shredders Freeride Events are designed to make young riders between the ages of 10 and 16 aware of the dangers on the mountain. We want to show in which areas the risks are low, but also where the limits are. We want to create more awareness, starting with the youngest, about the dangers and measures on the mountain. In addition, of course, give important input, which we must not neglect in the field. With the professional support of state-certified mountain guides, you will learn the necessary basics for minimizing risks when freeriding off the secured slopes. By riding together with the athletes, you can experience the freeride sport first hand and realize how important it is to constantly deal with the snow and avalanche situation. In addition, workshops in the park, on the slopes and in the backcountry with experienced freeride and freestyle coaches will hone your ski technique and style.

Instagram vs. Reality

Freeriding is a constantly growing and really casual sport, which nowadays is unthinkable without. More and more young riders are going off-road. Mostly inspired by videos, posts and photos on the internet. These show an incomplete or one-sided picture of this sport. Behind most professional videos is meticulous planning and long preparation to film at an acceptable level of risk.

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Learn and Ride Contents

From these topics, we pick out individual points depending on the group and then deal with them in workshops on the course weekend. For a proper deepening it needs of course much more time, our goal is therefore from next winter to form small training groups with which we regularly throughout the winter the LEARN and RIDE topics paired with a lot of fun in the snow through.


  • LVS Check
  • Backpack Check


  • Communication
  • Distances
  • Drive single
  • Collection points
  • Waiver
  • Change the Run

Emergency equipment

  • LVS search
  • Sounding
  • Shovels

Recognize dangers

  • Estimate steepness
  • Danger sign
  • What is above me?
  • What is below me?

Technique and Style

  • ON slope
  • OFF slope
  • Turns
  • Drifts
  • Sprays

Drop and Stomp

  • Park
  • Natural Obstacles
  • Kicker

Line check

  • Find your Line
  • Perform your Line

Age groups

10 to 13 and 13 to 16:

We start our program from 10 years old. If you are still too young, but you can already ski well in the terrain, write us a mail, we will find a solution.

Our LEARN and RIDE content is taught in the two different age groups. The weighting and selection of topics depends on the circumstances and the group. We adapt the exact program to experience and skill.

Target group

The weekend and week camps are for children and teenagers who are already solid on skis and prefer to spend their free time on skis in the backcountry. The target group is primarily young people who have so far been primarily in ski training, but are now also increasingly drawn to the terrain. You want to be able to act responsibly and smartly there too? You want to know why to have a backpack with important equipment in the backcountry, and why you should absolutely leave distances when driving in powder? Then sign up. The weekends are intended to be a program for getting to know each other and raising awareness.

For all those who want to dive deeper into the freeride matter, there are also 5 days of freeride training, safety skills improvement and lots of fun with our pros during the semester break.


  • Freeride Weekends: 2 days of learning and riding in the backcountry with state-certified mountain and ski guides – lift tickets included!

  • Freeride Week: 5 days of learning and riding in the backcountry with state-certified mountain and ski guides – excluding lift tickets.

  • Evening session from 17:00 to 20:00: meet and greet, safety session in theory and short freeride movies in Innsbruck

  • Shared rides with athletes from the freeride scene.

  • On request modern rental equipment from our partners

  • Goodie Bag from Patagonia and Armada


  • Safely master black slopes

  • Complete ski equipment including helmet

  • Emergency equipment: beep, shovel, probe (can be borrowed free of charge)

Questions or further appointment requests are always welcome – contact

Statements from Pros and Guides

When you are out in the backcountry, you are not only responsible for yourself, but also for those who are out with you. – Sabine Schipflinger, Freerider, Ski Guide and Photographer

Freeriding is as popular as ever. It is time to prepare our offspring early enough for the adventure off secured slopes. – Björn Heregger, mountain guide who used to be a professional freerider and still skis damn well

More and more young riders are pushing into the backcountry and enjoying the runs off the secured slopes. In order to raise risk awareness and make decisions on the mountain, it is important to support the youth and give them the necessary skills for their freeride adventures. – Michael Mayrhofer, mountain guide, educator, trainer, ski instructor and much more

It is important to accompany young people on their way to becoming responsible freeriders. This requires empathy, understanding and the necessary knowledge about the development to a freerider. The combination of pro and mountain guide is the best way to pass this on to the next generation. The concept is actually quite simple and does not need to be reinvented. – Marco Hilpert, mountain guide with love for freeride sport

Freeriding has become a trend sport and the young generation of riders is pushing more and more into challenging and untouched terrain. However, safety skills should not fall by the wayside. Standard measures, the right equipment and the right crew are the key to a long freeride career. – Markus Emprechtinger, mountain guide and founder of Flat Sucks

I’m glad that many young people are discovering freeriding for themselves. For me, it is definitely one of the absolutely most beautiful experiences I have had in my life. At the same time, however, this dream can also turn into an absolute nightmare in the blink of an eye, which I have unfortunately already experienced personally.
For me, continuous training and active involvement with risk management – especially when it comes to avalanches – is therefore an absolute must for anyone who loves this sport. It helps simply unbelievably much and can save one in the doubt itself, or also the own Shred buddies the life. I can’t imagine any greater motivation for proactive training here. – Elias Elhardt, snowboard/freeride pro and filmmaker

Freeskiing is a constantly evolving sport. It is important to give the next generation a broad know-how, which enables them to move creatively and safely in the park and on the mountain. – Luggi Brucic, Armada Teamrider, Austrian Freeski Legend, former National Coach

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